Runaways | Ringo Starr |


Testo Runaways

(Richard Starkey and Johnny Warman)

Outside there‘s a runaway,
The lights go down, the world goes rushing in.
Neon light takes the light of day,
Stars like dust start falling.

Inside there‘s a loneliness,
The demon tries to charm you with his smile.
No time to dream or rest,
In the caves of steel, faces are changing.

They‘re the runaways,
They‘re the runaways,
Children of the damned.
They‘re the runaways,
Running for their life, faster than they can.
They‘re the runaways.

On the street the traffic dies,
The break of day, it always comes too soon.
Running out of reasons why
All your life you blamed it on the moon.

Look out for the danger signs,
You‘re stealing time but you know you‘ll never win.
Another border line,
In the caves of steel, faces are changing.

They‘re the runaways,
Children of the night.
They‘re the runaways,
Running for your life, faster than you can.
They‘re the runaways, run, run, runaways.

Nightmares chase the dreams away,
The cold night reflects the way you feel.
It‘s just another town,
It‘s just one more night to kill.

All the streets are empty now,
Like the wolf, you walk this night alone.
And in some other world,
In the caves of steel, faces are changing.

They‘re the runaways, (they‘re the runaways)
(run, run, run)
They‘re the runaways, (they‘re they runaways)
Children of the night.
They‘re the runaways, (run, run, run, run away)
Running for your life, faster than you can.
They‘re the runaways. (run, run, run, run away)
Children of the damned.
They‘re the runaways, (they‘re the runaways)
Running for your life, (faster than they can)
They‘re the runaways. (run, run, runaways)
They‘re the runaways, (they‘re the runaways)
(children of the night)
They‘re the runaways. (they‘re the runaways)
(running for their life, faster than they can)
(they‘re the runaways)
(run, run, run, run away)

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